Recognition of Prior Learning
In accordance with the requirements of the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations, Adelaide Institute of Hair & Beauty provides the opportunity for students to apply to have prior learning recognised toward a qualification or units of competence for which they are enrolled.
What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) involves the assessment of previously unrecognised skills and knowledge an individual has achieved outside the formal education and training system. Recognition assesses this unrecognised learning against the requirements of a unit of competence, in respect of both entry requirements and outcomes to be achieved. By removing the need for duplication of learning, recognition encourages an individual to continue upgrading their skills and knowledge through structured education and training towards formal qualifications and improved employment outcomes. This has benefits for the individual and industry. Most importantly, it should be noted that recognition is just another form of assessment and requires the same application of the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence which are applied in any form of competency base assessment.